Emotional Intelligence

Resilience Tips From a Guinness World Record Holder and Ultra Human

Resilience Tips from a Guinness World Record Holder We can all be masters of our craft. All we have to do is accept the sacrifices

Resilience Tips from a Guinness World Record Holder

We can all be masters of our craft. All we have to do is accept the sacrifices that come with it.
Michele Graglia, Author of Ultra Tweet

Michele Graglia, one of the most accomplished extreme athletes on the planet, took time out of his rigorous training schedule to talk with me about resilience – scroll down to see the video. Deep down I always wondered, do the resilience tools we hear about in all the books actually work? In talking with Michele, I found out that they do if you actually practice mindfulness, push through your cognitive limitations and allow yourself to live up to your potential.

Decisions change our destiny.
Michele Graglia, Guinness World Record Holder Tweet

Let’s get practical. How can we possibly relate to the guy who has won every ultra-marathon that he has ever been in? Well, he’s not just one of the most accomplished living athletes, he’s also a very real human being who has questioned his own existence. During his former life as an international model working for the top brands in the world, he met amazing people and he also started to live a life that he knew was not healthy, nor his true destiny. In the video, Michele shares the pivotal moment when he questioned his life as he stared at the sidewalk below him from the top of a New York building. It was in that moment that he decided to stop compromising, and rather, to live a life of fulfillment and passion. I’m thinking that many of us can relate to the feeling of despair and questioning everything. I am so grateful he chose to share that with me, and ultimately with all of you and we hope it helps someone out there.

You can transcend your circumstances and allow yourself to live the life you always envisioned.
Michele Graglia, 30x Ultra Event Champion Tweet